Finally (2014) you can buy Super Spirograph again, thanks to Kahootz Toys.
I still have my Kenner Super Spirograph from the 1970s. The new one has all the same pieces. While I haven’t bought a new set (don’t need one!), everything in the in-depth review I wrote comparing the old not-Super Spirograph and the new not-Super Spirograph by Kahootz Toys probably applies to the Super set.
The main changes are: (1) you can use just about any pen, and (2) you don’t need pins. You can use putty. And if you lose the putty in the package, just buy yourself some Poster Putty
or Blu-Tack
All the posts on my Spirograph page (see menu) also apply to Super Spirograph. Here are the ones specifically about Super Spirograph. Have FUN!