Spirotot Totally Mastered by Ariella Zwillinger
I don’t think many of the “tots” who ever used the old Spirotot toy – a basic version of Spirograph designed for smaller children – ever made patterns like this. It requires mastery not typical of 5-year-olds.
Ariella Zwillinger from Maryland, who sent photos of a Spirograph collage she made last winter, has produced another Spirograph masterpiece, this one made using a vintage Spirotot that was in her basement.
You can see how she carefully cut out the patterns and arranged them overlapping slightly in a grid formation. They’re all about the same size, and each is drawn with at least a couple of similar colors. The patterns make it look like there are more than two colors involved.
Another awesome job by Ariella. I hope this inspires you to do more with Spirograph!
Ariella, the montage is as awesome as the previous collage.
Heather mam, can you add a post about simple harmonographs & pintogtaphs & how can we make a homemade harmonograph making apparatus (of smaller size/portable)in your blog. I searched on web but the methods are not so easy to follow & the apparatus is also of giant size.It should be user friendly like Spirograph tool.
Dhaval, that is a very interesting idea, but I’ve never tried it. I see someone did create such a thing to sell as a toy, and it probably didn’t get as famous as Spirograph, probably because it’s much more complicated so set up. Here’s a link to a used one available on Amazon UK (the picture may disappear when someone buys this one, and if so, search for “Harmonograph Drawing Machine”. There are many ways to build such a thing; it would be a great project. There are lots of different videos available on YouTube. I would try to build one; it would be more sturdy than a plastic toy. Let us know if you succeed!

Try this link too for instructions on how to build one: http://www.instructables.com/id/Homemade-Harmonograph/
Oh Ariella – this piece of art is so simple, yet so incredibly complicated. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing!
Barb from Northeast Ohio