Comparing the new Spirograph® Deluxe Set to the old Super Spirograph: In-Depth Review
What is the new Spirograph® Deluxe Set like compared to the old one?
I still have my Super Spirograph from 40-odd years ago. I just got the new Deluxe Set to compare.
Here are some pros and cons of each, and a few curiosities.
Best new feature: Spiro-Putty
No more pins! No more special working surface required! “Spiro-Putty” is basically poster putty, a.k.a. Blu-tack, a white (or blue, if you have Blu-tack) sticky putty that holds down your Spirograph ring (or whatever you’re using for the stationary piece) while you draw your design. If you run out, you can just buy some “poster putty” or Blu-Tack Reusable Adhesive
(affiliate links go to examples on Amazon). It works brilliantly.
When I first heard of using Spiro-Putty, I didn’t think it would hold the ring firmly enough the the paper; I thought it would be bulky and wiggly, and suitable only for small children who weren’t aiming for perfection in their designs. I was wrong. It’s awesome.
Just put a little ball in 4 spots on the ring, then smush the ring flat on the paper. The ring should touch the paper all round so the wheel doesn’t slip under it as you draw. But the putty shouldn’t get caught in the teeth.
It holds the ring tight to the paper, time after time. I haven’t had to pull the putty off the ring to reset it even after dozens of drawings. I just pull it off the paper and press the ring down again in a new spot, and I’m good to go. If it stops sticking, roll it into a ball and press down again.
I’m now using the Spiro-Putty on my old set too. If you have an old Spirograph, I’d suggest you try some Poster Putty (available in office supply stores) and see how it works. Please share your results with the rest of us in the comments below!
My new set does not have the tiny holes required for pins. If you used pins in the larger, pen-sized holes, the ring would not be held as firmly in place. However, if you have an old set with the pinholes, and really, really want to use pins rather than putty, they can be bought – look for “Map Tacks”, and consider getting a good cork board to use as a working surface instead of corrugated cardboard.
More pens, more fun! (But you’ll have to buy them separately)
Back in the day (I’m talking about the 1970s), there were very few pens you could use with a Spirograph. Either the tip of the pen wouldn’t go through the holes, or the tip of the pen would hardly touch the paper. You were kind of stuck with the ballpoint stick pens that came with the set.
How things have changed! I already wrote about thin felt-tip pens that come in many colors and work great with the old Spirograph. They opened up my Spirograph world again.
The new Spirograph is designed to work with many kinds of pens. It says so right on the box, in fact.
The set comes with three ballpoint pens in red, blue and green. They have very fine points and work well enough, but they feel rather flimsy. I like felt pens better because the ink flows smoothly and they don’t skip.
You will want to try different pens with your Spirograph, and now you can. The designers have done two things to make the parts compatible with most pens: (1) bigger holes, and (2) thinner wheels with less distance between the wheel and the paper.
1. The holes are bigger.
The bigger holes allow almost any pen to be used.
The holes in the new wheels are about 20% bigger in diameter than those in the old wheels. They look bigger than that to my eye, but that’s because the area of the circle, πr2, would be the 156% larger.
So this is great. However, there are consequences to having a larger hole.

Comparing the pattern made with the old #80 wheel, hole 1, with that made by the new wheel with the larger hole. Pens are both uni-ball fine.
The larger hole changes the path a little bit, rounding it more, depending on the design of the pen tip. The effect is most obvious with the larger wheels and #1 hole. In the picture at right, the purple paths were made by the old wheel and the pink with the new. You can see that the purple loops are smaller than the pink ones. This is because of the smaller hole in the old wheel. The pen has less room to move around the edge of the hole as you draw.
The size of the hole probably doesn’t matter to most people, most of the time. It doesn’t take from the fun of making designs. But my geeky side finds it interesting. And some designs look a little different.
2. The wheels are thinner.
Spirograph parts have a thick rim with teeth. That rim is 10% thinner on the new set than on the old (2.7 mm vs 3.0 mm), as measured with my brass caliper in the photo.
My caliper can’t read the thickness of the flat inner part of the wheel because the rim is in the way, but the new wheels feel thinner.
The extra thickness on the bottom side of the wheel, the side touching the paper, has been “shaved off” a bit in the new Spirograph. It allows the pen to be even closer to the paper, and allows more kinds of pen to be used.
Being thinner, the parts tend to warp more easily. This is most apparent on the larger pieces, especially after I’ve struggled to remove them from the storage case.
In general, this warping has not proved to be a big problem. Four pieces of putty on the rings hold them down well enough, removing any problem caused by warping.
Shaped wheels
The new Spirograph has some of the non-round wheels that came out in later versions of the old Spirograph. I didn’t have them so was always curious about them.
The shaped wheels are more difficult than the round ones to use, but create unique patterns.
Using an off-center hole gives an asymmetrical pattern.
Note: The earlier versions of the old Spirograph, the ones without the shaped wheels, had three additional round wheels 36, 50 and 64, which were missing in the versions with the shaped wheels as well as in this new version by Kahootz Toys. I would most miss Wheel 64, used to make the cool triangular pattern at right.
Carrying case
My old Super Spirograph parts sit in a large open tray made of hard plastic. I lost its cardboard cover long ago. It is hard to store and carry.
The new Spirograph Deluxe Set comes in a carrying case with a handle. The case opens up to reveal a smooth drawing surface in the lid. The blue plastic is somewhat flexible and holds every piece is tightly in place. No more lost pieces.
However, I do find it hard to remove some of the pieces. They bend as I work them out of their places, compounding the warping issue. Maybe I’ll figure out a better method in time, but other people have complained about this as well.
Made in China
The booklet on my old Super Spirograph by Kenner Products Canada Ltd. in Toronto proclaims “Made in Canada” and “Printed in Canada”. So I assume that not only was the booklet printed in Canada, the plastic set itself was made in Canada.
The new set is “Made in China”, as it says clearly on the box. Not surprising; most plastic things are these days.
So how is the quality? It feels somewhat less. But it’s still very usable and fun. All the patterns in this article, unless otherwise indicated, were made with the new set.
The plastic in the new set is less rigid, and the pieces are thinner as I described above. Are they made thinner only so that different pens can be used, or is the intention also to use less material? That’s a question for the manufacturer.
The larger holes result in somewhat less precision, as described above.
The gears are the same, however, and I have mixed the sets successfully, except in one case which I may describe in a future post.
Wheel 45 in my new set has a faulty Hole 1. It is too close to the edge and can’t be used. This is a disappointment in what should be a precision tool.
ADDENDUM: The nice folks at Kahootz saw this and sent me a new wheel 45!
I notice small imperfections in alignment, but most people won’t, most of the time. Here’s the worst case I’ve found:

Ring 144-96 with wheel 72, holes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Design on left was made with my old Spirograph, on right with the new set, showing less precise alignment and less precise radial distance.
Conclusion: Should you get a new Spirograph? Should you give one as a gift?
If you don’t have an old one, and you’re interested enough to read to the bottom of this article, then definitely YES! It’s so much fun.
If your old set is missing a lot of parts, get a new one to fill the gaps. They are compatible. But don’t buy the new one just for the pens, because there are lots of pens available now that work.
And forget the pins! If you have an old Spirograph, hang on to it, and get some poster putty to use instead of pins!
EDITED to confirm that “Spiro-Putty” included with the set can be replaced with poster putty or Blu-Tack Reusable Adhesive.
Thanks for the review. I just picked one of the new sets at a store for my 7 year old for Christmas. I can’t wait to play with it myself! One of my cousins had a Spirograph in the late 70s and I thought it was really cool, but I never had one myself. I can’t wait for Christmas so I can play with my kids Spirograph!
I can’t think of a more fun thing to do on Christmas day than to sit down with your kid and discover it together. I love showing it to kids. You might want to make sure you have some different colored pens in the house to try with it.
You are awesome. Thank you so much for writing this article. I’m crazy about my Kenner’s Super Spirograph, which is in great shape. I’m just afraid that something will happen, and I’ve got to have a back-up. Cheers! Ann
Thanks so much for this review! I’d read reviews of similar toys that just were not as good as the old Spirographs, and was curious how this one compared, Your review was just what I was looking for.
if you run out of the new ‘putty’ i figured blu-tack would work.
Yes it does! There are different brand names, and I’m actually using some blue stuff now that I scavenged from a wall so I don’t know what the brand is, but it works fine.
does anyone know how to stop the wheels fall out of the edge of the rim?
Do you mean as you’re drawing? Go slowly, let your hand learn how much or how little pressure to apply, let the wheel guide the pen. Relax your hand and practice. If you can be more specific, maybe I’ll try to address it in a video.
Thank you for the input. We were considering this for our 8 year granddaughter for Christmas. We will buy it now. Thanks.
You’re welcome. I hope she enjoys it. It’s a fun thing to do together over the holidays, engaging both adults and children.
Buy the vintage Spirograph set. There is a big difference. The newer one is cheap. There are many complaints about this on Amazon reviews. When I first used Spirograph I was 5 years old and never had the problem with derailment and slipping.
Ive been thinking that using a Spirograph for quilt blocks would be fun. Can you tell me what the largest size design is on the Spirograph?
Will I be able to use fabric instead of paper?
Interesting! I suppose you’d use some kind of fabric marker? Or a permanent marker that is small enough to fit in the penholes….
When I was a kid, in the 1970s when it was cool, I actually embroidered Spirograph patterns on my clothes. So I probably drew it on with a pen, then embroidered over the lines with a normal outline stitch.
So I suppose liquid embroidery… something like this? I have never tried it and don’t know if it would fit in the holes, but it would be worth checking out.

As for size, designs inside the rings (hypotrochoids) are up to 2.5″. But you can make bigger designs by running a wheel around the outside of another wheel or a ring (epitrochoids). Super Spirograph designs can be page-sized. And Wild Gears can make all sizes of hypotrochoids.
On fabric, the pen will not travel as smoothly as on paper. So you will need to fix the ring very firmly to the cloth, stretching the cloth tight, and using lots of putty or lots of pins. The new set doesn’t have the small pin holes, but the pen holes are bigger, which may suit the liquid embroidery pens. You might want to choose simpler designs then color them in.
Anyway, it sounds like such a great project, and it’s giving me ideas! I hope you’ll send pictures when you get it done. I’d love to make a post about it and inspire other people too.
I found this comment interesting and by the way I enjoyed your review very much Heather. Another way to do the quilt blocks would be to make a spirograph picture or pictures and scan it or them into your computer and then get the specialty fabric squares that can be used with an ink jet printer and print the picture on the fabric and then incorporate these printed pictures into a quilt and quilt as desired. I haven’t tried it myself but have seen photos done in a quilt that way.
Interesting. I’ll have to look for these printable fabrics. They must have a backing that you can remove after printing. You could also use iron-on transfers. In either case, you’d have all the colors of your pens, or could even alter the colors in photoshop.
I actually bought some fine-tipped fabric markers at Christmas and am working on a t-shirt project with my Wild Gears, drawing directly on the shirt. I’ll write a post about it when I’m done.
Thank you for taking the time to write and post this. It was very helpful and inspiring. I was reading it because I was thinking about getting one for my granddaughter, but now I, also, would like one. Unfortunately, my granddaughter lives in a different state, so I won’t be able to draw with her:-(
Thanks for writing, Sandy. Maybe you can exchange designs by mail or email (scan or photograph them), or use Skype to do it “together”! Have fun.
Does anyone remember a Spirograph kit that swung from a tripod like a pendulum? I had one as a kid but can’t remember who made it.
It might be Spirograph Suspension Art manufactured by Kenner in 1989.
Thanks for that! Here’s a link to the original instruction sheet:
Thanks for your effort and energy designing and writing about Spirograph! Your site is a good resource. Just bought this for a gift yesterday and using it brought back so much delight/creativity.
I am concerned about quality! The sprockets on the wheels seemed to skip. Is any US comapany interested in making these (in the USA) on a 3D printer out higher quality plastic for ease of use?
I would upgrade!!
Regardless, I am grateful that this product has been reintroduced in game stores. It affords an individual adult or child quiet creative time.
Thanks for the kudos about the site. I appreciate your comments about quality, as the old versions were thicker and less flexible. You may improve with practice. It also helps to use 4 pieces of putty and make sure the ring is firmly attached to the paper, but don’t get putty IN the teeth. Keep it between the ridges.
If you’re interested in an “upgrade”, check out Wild Gears which are laser-cut on demand out of acrylic sheets. I’ve written quite a bit about them and will write more.
3D printing would be an interesting direction to try. Anyone?
I have a Super Spirograph from the 1970s. Unfortunately, there are a few pieces missing. Any idea where I can procure replacements? *fingers crossed*
My best suggestions are (a) look for a used one online through eBay or similar, and hope that any missing pieces are not the same ones – the seller should describe what pieces might be missing; (b) buy a new Super Spirograph, as the parts are compatible – at least the wheels and rings are. I haven’t tried the new super parts to know how well they’d fit together with the old ones.
Until someone starts modeling and 3D printing compatible Spirograph parts, that’s your best bet.
Hi My name is Mónica and I’m from Argentina. I sell spirographs in many styles. I invite you to visit my website and have a look of the kind of spirographs available actually. Have a nice day!!
Why did you not include your website link in your comment?
Sadly, I do not have my kit any longer (heavy sigh, tear rolls down cheek). I’m thinking about picking up a Super AND Deluxe set but am concerned that the wheels, tracks, rings, etc are the same in both sets. Can anyone comment?
They are the same, except the Super set has more, so I’d just get the new Super set. I wrote this review before it was out, so could only get the new Deluxe set to compare to my old Super set. See the comparison chart here:
Hi, Great Article.
I’m struggling to find suitable paper for spirograph designs, particularly when using felt tips. I just keep going thru the paper.
Any advice?
Hi Peter, I just use cheap inkjet printer paper or whatever. If the felt tips are going through your paper, you must be pressing too hard. I just use a light touch. I remember paper getting saturated with ink and tearing with the old ballpoint pens, especially in very dense patterns, but it’s been SO not an issue with the felt tips.
The bigger problem with the felt tips can be smearing. It seems to depend on the porousness of the paper surface. Some papers are coated with a layer that keeps the ink from getting absorbed fast enough to dry quickly on the surface, and when the wheel comes around, it smears the ink. Sometimes the cheapest paper is best!
That said, I have had some good results with felt pens on glossy cardstock. Maybe some coatings are designed to let ink in.
I’ve had similar issues when using felt fineliners. I found this particularly to be an issue with designs that are rotated and repeated, or the same position, but different holes. The best advice I can give, is to wait a little while between the separate stages, which allows the ink to dry more fully.
Complaints about the tight fit of parts in the new Deluxe Spirograph case do not apply to the new Super Spirograph. In fact the parts are so loose in the case that tops must be placed on the compartments or the pieces will fall out and could possibly get lost. Plastic tops for each compartment have been provided by Kahootz. The modified case design might be the result of Kahootz listening to the customer. I think I like the Deluxe case and that tight fit a bit better. Neither case is ideal, though
There’s always a trade-off, eh? The combination of a tight fit plus thinner plastic makes me afraid of breaking them while removing them from the case of the Deluxe set. But I wouldn’t mind a special cover for my old Super Spirograph, as I lost the lid years ago, and must keep the base horizontal at all times.
Mind you, even in the box, I still have to carry my original Denys Fisher Spirograph flat, otherwise they just bounce out. If you really wanted to go to town, a lightweight wooden carrycase, foam lined on the lid would be just the ticket! Although it’d be a lot of work too.
I like that idea. The cogs are turning in my head … the inventor/carpenter cogs, not the Spirograph cogs.
Hi Heather,
I recently discovered Spirograph at the Museum of Math (MoMath) yesterday in NYC, as I visited the museum shop after work. This brought back fond memories as a child of the late 80s of having a blue box Spirograph I had gotten for Christmas as a kid. I think that was the Kenner version. Yesterday, I purchased a Super Spirograph and Travel Spirograph made by Kahootz, I have not opened them yet, possibly tonight I will test these out and will bring back my childhood memories. Are the Kahootz versions a complete reboot of the Original Spirograph. I read the Wikipedia article on this and it says that the founder of Kahootz wanted to reimagine Spirograph for the new generation since it is nostalgic. Also any tips or tricks for any owner of Kahootz Travel and Super Spirograph. Do all sets have an ecosystem where you can use all parts across their product likes like using a gear from the Travel set to the Super Spirograph set or any of their other sets. It seems that any toys or device nowadays use a system for their parts to work together for a user experience, same for Spirograph. Is the Cyclex compatible with the Spirograph sets.
Yes, the Kahootz Spirograph and Super Spirograph are essentially the same as the old Kenner Spirograph and Super Spirograph, with the slight differences noted in the post above. You can even mix the new parts and the old parts and they work. The Travel Set, from what I see (not having one) is basically a partial set in a smaller package. Cyclex is another thing altogether. The wheels don’t have teeth. You wouldn’t use it with Spirograph parts. But from what I see in the video, it can do things that Spirograph can’t do, and vice versa. Since you’re buying a Super Spirograph, you’ll have all the parts that are available. The travel set is a subset of those. They should be interchangeable. When you get them open, let me know if I’m wrong about that. There are lots of tips and tricks on this website, so have a good look around. Have fun with your new Spirograph sets and keep us posted!
Thank you for the information it was very helpful. I had Spirograph as a child and thought it very cool. I am buying one for my daughter for Christmas!! Nothing like starting early!!
You’re welcome. Will you be sneaking it out late at night to practice between now and Christmas? 😉
my Grandaughter and I had a blast using her new Spirograph kit. I always wanted one as a youngster and now I get to use it with my “darling”.
Awesome. A great bonding activity.
I believe the gears are not meshing and casing not very nice drawing!
What to do?
Are you new to Spirograph? It does take practice. See the video (not by me) at – it may help.
We bought the new Spirograph and found it very difficult to use. The thinner wheels keep separating, they don’t hold in place like the original models. We are returning our set.
Sorry to hear about that. If you have a chance to find an original set on Ebay or somewhere, you may be happier. Some of it has to do with practice, but certainly the new set I bought its less robust than the old one. I’d be interested in hearing about other people’s experiences.
I have an original Denys Fisher Spirograph and have just purchased the Play Monster (formerly Kahootz) Super Spirograph and found the same problem.
The new wheels are slightly deformed, meaning they ride up and slip. I’ve been using my old wheels with the new racks, and had much better success. I also took the plunge and bought two original Denys Fisher Super Spirograph sets from eBay, so I can make a complete original Super Spirograph set.
I was thinking of selling the modern Super Spirograph set, but realised that the odd shaped wheels aren’t in the original Denys Fisher one, so looks like I’ll be keeping them all!
We purchased a set for our son and the inner wheels slip all the time ….. Not at all near the quality of the the original Spirograph. Very disappointing.
My unit willnot track very disappointing.. What to do. Send it back or what?
I can only suggest that you contact the manufacturer, Kahootz Toys. They need to know if there are flaws in production. The new product is not made as well as the old, but should still work and be fun. Keep in mind though that it does take practice to learn the technique, so in fairness, the challenge is to figure out if it’s you or if it’s the gears.
I have read reviews that say this set is no where near as good as the old sets. Too flimsy and the blue tac idea? No pins. Health and safety gone mad. I was going to buy but decided against it. At least until they make it more sturdy like the old one. Oh yeah and drop the price.
I actually prefer the blue tac/putty to the pins, as it doesn’t leave holes in the paper and you don’t need a backing board to stick them in. I don’t think it’s a health and safety issue as kids under 8 aren’t going to get very far with Spirograph anyway, on average. True, the new set is not as well made as the old one. I still prefer to use my old set but use putty with it. Maybe you can find a second-hand set.
Ended up buying an old 1960’s one from Ebay. My daughter is mad about art and I loved this when I was a kid. I might give the blu tac a try.
Just need to find some pens now. Cheers Ric..
Great. Be sure to see my posts on pens (see menu). There are so many options now. She may have something around already that will work – but there’s nothing like a brand new package of colors that all work.
Great post. I’m experiencing many of these issues as well..
Looking for the denys ? model I bought one in the UK back in 1960’s Just love to have it nostalgic trip
any suggestions or shouldI just go with new model :0
Live alone now :9 but have lovely children to visit
Hi Mabel, I suggest you try eBay to find vintage Spirograph sets. Denys Fisher was the inventor, and started up his own company in the UK to sell it. See
Hi! I am new in spirography, bought a new set one week ago and I am addicted! I have a question, if I order old wheels 36, 50 and 64 will they fit with the new rings? Will their teeth work the same? Thanks!
Yes – in my experience absolutely. I have an old set and bought a new set, and they work perfectly well together.
Where do you order individual wheels?
Wonderful article. Would love to know where to buy original wheels 36 50 and 54 and can you suggest any brands of reasonably priced felt pens thin tips in colors, Maybe a set? and where to get them. Also please can you tell me if you remember what typing ink jet paper you use. is the newer spirograph delux set ok for a 7 year old, with help. Blind leading the blind as i am 75 and want to use it to help my hand when it shakes, as I make lovely designs. is the delux set and the design newer set one and the same.
If you’re looking for missing Spirograph parts, try or You can usually find old sets there, which may be incomplete, but see if they have the wheels you want. The old sets and parts are compatible with the new ones.
Pens: There is a section on Spirograph Pens in the menu for this website. See my favourite fine felt-tip pens here.
I use any old paper. Cheap printer paper. Doesn’t matter. You could draw on the floor if you use putty to hold the ring in place!
Whether a 7-year-old can handle it depends on the child. It’s a little young, but if they have good coordination and like to draw…. There are sets designed for younger children like the Spirograph Jr which are easier to handle – check it out here:
There are various names for the sets. Amazon calls the “Deluxe Set” the “Deluxe Design Set”. Whatever. There are other smaller sets like the Die-cast set or the Tin Design set – they are smaller assortments. See the pictures above the comments. Links go to Amazon where you can see more about them.
I hope it works for your shaky hands! Have fun.
When I was a little boy I received a spirograph for Christmas. I loved it. My teacher (a lovely lady) taught me how to calculate the number of petals in the flowers I drew.
Next year, my brother received a superspirograph. I found it amazing.
I made a computer simulator for superspirograph a long long time ago.
It is quite difficult to program but if you have the patience you can make beautiful designs in PDF format. Arcs and line segments can be assembly together and make a path for rolling a disc around/inside it.
Thanks for your comment and link. The gallery images are amazing; they couldn’t ever be produced by a physical Super Spirograph. I encourage people to explore it. Someday I’d like to do an article about Spirograph simulations….
Is it possible to pass on your system of how to calculate the number of petals on flowers you drew, that the lovely lady taught you. I am not sophisticated re math, so hope its not too difficult, and is it a family secret, or would you mind sharing.
RE. Eduardo Viruena Silvas post on oct 9, 2016 thank you so much
Of course, Carol.
Perhaps you know how to compute the least common multiple (lcm) of two integer numbers a and b, say lcm(a,b).
Well, if you take a=number of teeth of the path, and b= number of teeth of the disc, the number of petals is lcd(a,b)/b
Example: Let suppose you have a=120 and b=80. The least common multiple of 120 and 80 is 240. Now, divide 240 by 80 and it leads 3. Thats the number of petals that your spirogram will have.
I am so happy to find this article– recently, I started following a Spirograph account on Instagram and it prompted me to find my old set at The Parents’ house. My set is dated 1967 and has all the pieces (even the original pens!). After reading your review, I feel very lucky to have it, and excited to get some poster putty and felt pens and start playing with it again after a 45-year break. 🙂
Whoopie! Sounds great! Have fun.
I made a Spirograph out of Meccano and using a lot of gears – this was back in the early 1950s in Melbourne, Australia. Meccano was fabulous. And there was no limit to the number of different patterns, just adjusted the gears. At first I turned a handle; later fitted a small motor. Should have been an engineer but girls couldn’t – I still feel bitter about that.
I may be 15 years younger than you. I grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was my little brother who got a Meccano set, and I played with it a lot. When I went to university, I didn’t really know what an engineer was, other than the kind that drove a train, even though I had top marks in Physics. No one suggested engineering. I might have liked it.
But I never made a Meccano spirograph! Was yours like any of the ones in this video?
Thanks for this! I had spirograph as a child and really loved it, and now I want to buy it for my godchild. I was wondering, I seem to recall the old spirograph had a big rectangular frame with teeth, so sone could also make cool borders. Does this one have it? From the photo it seems like it doesn’t but maybe you could let me know.
You must have had the old Super Spirograph. It too has been re-released by Kahootz Toys. Read more about it on my Super Spirograph page.
Hi,love this website of yours and I have a question: I recently purchased a Super Spirograph, & unfortunately, discovered that this particular set came with TWO #72 gears, & no #80 gear. Would contacting the manufacturer and asking for a replacement #80 be the best route? I’m feeling a little cheated.
(& boy, do I need more practice. Several sheets of paper later, & I have yet to make a “keeper” out of the bunch………
Yes, if it is one of the new sets made by Kahootz Toys, they have been very responsive. They replaced a faulty gear in a set I bought after I mentioned it on this website, and I’ve heard similar stories.
Keep practicing and have fun!
I want to decorate 10 inch tambourines with the spirograph but wonder how large of an image can be created with any set that is almost fully covering the tambourine? They are almost ten inches wide at the widest point… I can decorate them with other things but would like to know whats the largest pattern size the super 75 piece set can make? I have seen big big kits also, but way to big….. Any luck there is a set out there that is about what i need, not too big, not too small? Thanks
The Super Spirograph cloverleaf shape makes patterns about 8 inches across. See this post:
If you draw on the outside of a ring using a big wheel, you can make patterns the same size – 8 inches diameter. They have more radial symmetry but are not quite as interesting – depending on the colours you use. See this post for an idea of how that works:
Of course if you get the Full Page Set of Wild Gears, you have more choices of big patterns.
Whatever you decide, practice practice practice on paper first. Figure out what kind of pen will work on the surface. Also how to hold everything in place with putty.
Pretty cool idea, though. If you want to share photos when it’s done, contact me!
anyone remember Spiro 2000? I was v frustrated as I couldn’t get it to work!!
I had not heard of Spiro 2000, so I had to look it up. There are a number on offer on eBay, all from the UK except one in Australia. So I bet it didn’t reach Canada and the US. It was sold in the UK by Denys Fisher, the creator of Spirograph. It looks very different. Too bad there weren’t videos to watch to help you learn to use it! What year would that have been?
Here is a video from the BBC showing Denys Fisher working on the development of what eventually became Spiro 2000.